The Co-HYDIM-SA project aims to develop a hydrometeorological early warning and information system to optimise the management of water resources and improve water security in southern Africa.
Research Programme
Conference in Stellenbosch Launches Main Phase of the WASA Research Programme
With 108 participants from research, politics, industry, and interdisciplinary networks, the event marked the start of the main phase of the WASA programme, which aims to contribute to sustainably secure water resources in the southern African region.
Voices from the Governing Board
The implementation of WASA is guided by a Governing Board consisting of representatives from ministries, governmental organisations responsible for water management and research, and funding organisations of the countries where the respective research and implementation projects are conducted.
Initial Overview of the WASA Research Programme
The first publikation of the Water Security in Africa (WASA) research programme provides an initial overview of the research projects.