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The Networking and Transfer Project of the WASA Research Programme

The WASA programme is well established and has the recognition of academia, industry and policy makers. The main phase of the programme illustrates the continued long-term institutional commitment from various interest groups to high quality research and capacity building in Africa. The programme’s networking and transfer project is a carefully conceptualised initiative to increase the impact and knowledge transfer of the research and capacity building activities. This project will ensure close collaboration and joint learning between the research teams.

Dr. Nico Elema

WASANet provides a unique platform integrating research, industries and communities. The German water sector is committed to contributing to sustainable solutions to water and sanitation challenges. We strongly believe in fostering cooperation and partnership to benefit us All.

Marie-Louise Chagnaud


WASANet is designed to develop and implement
effective instruments and activities to foster exchange and identify synergies amongst the WASA projects and support their efforts to connect with the scientific community in water, climate and environmental research as well as decision makers in Sub-Sahara Africa, Germany, and beyond. By the integration of research and cross-cutting topics, networking, science communication as well as the active involvement of the public, private and industrial sectors, WASANet, together with the research projects, contributes to an effective synthesis and transfer of WASA-generated research data, methods and results to policy and decision makers in the countries addressed by the programme and beyond. Utilising WASANet’s multifaceted scientific, academic, private sector and political network of actors in the water domain, the project further facilitates the science-policy dialogue and private sector engagement. This supports decision makers in the uptake of innovative and up-to-date water and forecast technologies to improve water security in Sub-Sahara Africa.

Consortium speaker in Germany

Dr. Jörg Helmschrot, Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research Tropospheric Research (IMKTRO), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Consortium speaker in Africa

Dr. Nico Elema, AUDA-NEPAD Southern African Network of Water Centres of Excellence (SANWATCE)


With its integrating approach, WASANet’s main impact will be the strengthening of research integration and uptake in Sub-Saharan Africa and, thereby contributing to the Knowledge Economy by translating excellent research findings for decision makers. It will further serve to strengthen the link at the science-policy-industry interface by direct engagements and interaction. The desired impact, together with the WASA projects, can be summarised at three levels:

Policy Impact
With the generated knowledge, WASANet, in collaboration with WASA partners, will be enabled to provide the required, science-based information for policy decision making towards improved water management strategies and policies at local, national and regional level. Facilitated by WASANet, WASA will bridge the gap between science, private sector and policy.

Economic Impact
WASA research findings, developed methods, products and services are expected to have significant direct and indirect economic impacts. WASANet will facilitate the transfer of knowledge on improved water technologies and optimisation of water management to improve infrastructures and generate additional income opportunities.

Societal Impact
Through WASANet’s communication strategy, the outcomes generated by WASA will increase the awareness of water security, as well as associated risks and opportunities for society and economy. Effective communication of science outputs to civil society will further support and inform stakeholders, climate adaptation options, and improve livelihoods and gender equality.

Focal Points of the Project

A key component for the successful implementation of WASA is the effective support for funded projects and the funders in the integration, dissemination and utilisation of research results. This includes linking various stakeholder communities from the public, industry, and private sector to raise awareness and increase acceptance and upscaling of innovative WASA services and technologies by end-users in the African water sector. WASANet aims at supporting the WASA programme in both scientific integration and organisational tasks.

To foster exchange

WASANet is designed to develop and implement effective instruments and activities to foster exchange and identify synergies amongst the WASA projects. It also aims to support their efforts to connect with the scientific community in water, climate, and environmental research, as well as decision-makers in Sub-Saharan Africa, Germany, and beyond.

To transfer effectively

By the integration of research, and cross-cutting topics, networking, science communication, as well
as the active involvement of the public, private, and industry sectors, WASANet, together with the research projects, contributes to an effective synthesis and transfer of WASA- generated research data, methods, and results to policymakers and decision-makers in the participating countries and beyond.

To improve water security

Utilising WASANet’s multifaceted network of scientific, academic, private sector, and political actors in the water domain, the project further facilitates the science-policy dialogue and private sector engagement to support decision-makers in the uptake of innovative and up-to-date water and forecast technologies to improve water security in Sub-Saharan Africa.

WASANet project partners

Join the network, get in touch!

WASANet Coordinator:
Dr. Joerg Helmschrot

+264 81 141 4182

WASANet African Speaker:

Dr. Nico Elema
+27 21 808 9381

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