Welcome to the research programme
Water Security in Africa – WASA

For a water-secure future.
The aim of the research programme “Water Security in Africa (WASA)” is to contribute to achieving a sustainable increase in water security in Africa. This includes the improvement of water supply and wastewater management as well as the preservation of natural ecosystems. The guiding principles behind the WASA programme are to enable joint action by African and German partners from the very start of the project, adopt a synergistic and integrated approach involving different ministries and political representatives as well as the pursuit of a long-term implementation strategy.
Information on WASA can also be found here on the FONA website.
Media & Press

WASA addresses three
thematic areas

Sustainable water resources management

Water infrastructure and
water technology

Hydrological forecasts and management of hydrological
The research and development projects
In May 2024, a total of seven projects were launched with a duration until April 2028. These are cooperation projects with German and African partners from science, industry and practice, who jointly implement the project activities and thus contribute to the overarching objectives of the funding programme.
Join the network, get in touch!
WASANet Coordinator:
Dr. Joerg Helmschrot
+264 81 141 4182 joerg.helmschrot@kit.edu