The WaMiSAR project has recently completed a productive series of sampling campaigns in Namibia. These field efforts, conducted in Rosh Pinah and Tsumeb (Namibia), are part of ongoing research to develop sustainable water management solutions for arid and semi-arid regions.
These field campaigns followed the WASA Kick-off Conference in Stellenbosch (South Africa), where the WaMiSAR project was presented to German and African government representatives and stakeholders. This event launched the main phase of the WASA R&D programme, bringing together experts from Germany and the southern African region to work on solutions for water security. For WaMiSAR was a valuable chance to share the project goals with key stakeholders and researchers of other WASA projects, and to highlight the project’s role in addressing water challenges across the Southern African region. The event also brought together the WaMiSAR team from Germany, Namibia and South Africa for a fruitful kick-off meeting.

Sampling campaigns in Namibia
Following the WASA conference, the WaMiSAR team split into two teams in order to carry out simultaneous sampling at two project sites in Namibia. Representatives from KIT, the University of Potsdam, Aquantec and Hydroisotop had the opportunity to visit the Rosh Pinah Zinc Corporation (Pty) Ltd mining site in southern Namibia. Working closely with the environmental specialists from the local mining company, the WaMiSAR team collected water and sediment samples and visited key sites such as the mine residue deposit and the mining area.

In parallel, a second team of project memebers from TZW, the University of Potsdam and Sensatec carried out similar water and sediment sampling at Sinomine Tsumeb Smelter (Pty) Ltd, Tsumeb in northern Namibia. Supported by the local staff, the WaMiSAR team worked hard to collect water and soil samples in the mining area. Water samples were analysed on site for parameters such as temperature, electrical conductivity, pH, alkalinity, nitrate, nitrite, total iron and sulfate concentrations. Additional biological and chemical analyses will be carried out in the laboratories of the participating institutes in Germany. As a final event, on Friday 4 October, the two teams gathered in Tsumeb for an extensive site visit, where they had the opportunity to visit the local tailings dump and the surrounding areas of the mine.
The WaMiSAR project continues to foster international collaboration, promoting innovative solutions for water management in resource- limited environments through rigorous research and active engagement with local mine companies and stakeholders.

Author: Dr. Flavia Digiacomo
For more information and details, please visit the WaMiSAR project website.
More information on all seven projects can be found here and in the programme publication.