The implementation of WASA is guided by a Governing Board consisting of representatives from ministries, governmental organisations responsible for water management and research, and funding organisations of the countries where the respective research and implementation projects are conducted. The continental level is represented by the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW).
The Governing Board’s primary objective is to provide strategic advice for the programme, projects and activities, to make sure the respective research is aligned with local, regional and continental needs and policy priorities in water management in Africa and Germany, and to promote the successful execution of the WASA research programme’s goals and objectives.

Water is a key resource for the wellbeing and economic prosperity of societies in Europe as well as Africa. Given the current and the ever increasing multiple pressures on water resources due to global change, smart and innovative solutions for water management are more needed than ever.
Dr. Rainer Müssner is deputy head of division Resources, Circular Economy; Geosciences at the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In this function, he is also the responsible programme officer for WASA and represents Germany in the Governing Board.

We cannot dispute the global and complex nature of the water security; however, we can facilitate joint learning across borders, support generation of credible scientific knowledge and sustainable solutions to address the pressing local and transboundary water challenges through strategic partnerships like WASA.
Dr. Mamohloding Tlhagale is the Head of Partnerships and Business Development at the Water Research Commission of South Africa, with over 20 years’ experience of managing science, technology and innovation partnerships. She is an advocate of community, youth and women empowerment, and creating enabling environment to support the creation, uptake and transfer scientific knowledge and innovation products to improve livelihoods of ordinary citizens.
My role on the Technical Committee of Experts, advising the Cabinet Committee on Water Supply Security, has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of Namibia’s water challenges, enabling me to develop effective short- and long-term solutions for the nation’s water security. The WASA Programme provides some of those solutions for Namibia.
Maria Amakali leads the Namibia Water Resources Management Directorate within the Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform. She oversees the regulation, planning, and development of the water sector, ensuring equitable access to resources. As a key policy advisor, Maria focuses on sustainable water management and development for all.

Water security cannot be achieved through a single action but rather through integration of tools and strategies. WASA should therefore continuously seek to find intelligent and sustainable solutions to emerging issues that threaten water security in Africa.
Kelly Luzibo Gaboiphiwe is a water resources manager at the Department of Water and Sanitation, Botswana which is responsible for water resources planning development and management. In his current portfolio he oversees management water resources information systems for Botswana. That is, real time monitoring systems and instrumentation through facilitation of storage, retrievals and manipulation of water resources data for decision support. Kelly further brings to the board experience and expertise in groundwater management, water resources allocation and regulation. He has previously been involved in the management and implementation of water security projects.
Joanna Fatch leads the African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW) Water Resources Management function. In the framework of the Water Resources Priority Action Plan, which provides a comprehensive framework for managing Africa’s water resources, her work support implementation of the Strengthening Water Governance Systems and Management Structures in Africa programme aimed at promoting and facilitating investment-orientated transboundary management and governance of Africa’s water resources with a strategic focus to revitalise water governance systems; and strengthen vertical and horizontal linkages in the institutional processes and structures that form the basis for water management planning and decision making in Africa.